
I am Kowshik Deb Nath

Name: Kowshik Deb Nath

Profile: Data Scientist

Email: kowshikcse17@gmail.com

Phone: (+8801855-675763)

Linkdin: Kowshik Deb Nath

Github: Kowshik Deb Nath


  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Large Language Models (LLM)
  • MLOps
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Computer Vision
  • Data Visualization
  • GPT-3
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Data Science
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Python (Programming Language)
  • Fine Tuning LLM's
  • Computer Vision
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
  • Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Data Mining
  • Prompt Engineering
About me

Hello! I am Kowshik Deb Nath. I completed my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET). I am a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer with expertise in Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks,Time Series Analysis, Natural Language Processing and LLM's. With a background in mathematics, computer science, and statistics, I have honed my skills in developing complex algorithms and models to extract insights and drive value from large, structured and unstructured data sets.

My passion for machine learning and data science has led me to specialize in a number of areas, including deep learning, convolutional neural networks, and time series analysis. I have experience building and deploying models for a variety of applications, such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and predictive maintenance.

I am always eager to learn and keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, as I believe this is crucial to staying ahead in the rapidly-evolving world of data science. As a result, I enjoy collaborating with fellow experts and working on challenging projects that push the boundaries of what is possible in machine learning and data science. If you are interested in connecting with me, discussing new ideas, or collaborating on projects, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am always looking for new opportunities to apply my skills and knowledge, and to help drive innovation in the field of data science.

Hire Me! 馃憞


competitions are a awesome way to learn

Machine Hack Master(Global Ranking: 310 Out Of 8052)

MachineHack is an online platform for Machine Learning competitions.

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Predicting House Prices In Bengaluru(24th)

Predicting House Prices In Bengaluru Rank: 24th Out Of 2885

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Subscriber Prediction Talent Search Hackathon(26th)

Subscriber Prediction Talent Search Hackathon(26th Out of 504)

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Data Science Student Championship - South Zone

Data Science Student Championship - South Zone Rank: 73th Out Of 554

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LLM Hackathon: Decoding Discourse - AI vs Human

LLM Hackathon: Decoding Discourse - AI vs Human Rank: 5th Out Of 134

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Potato Disease Classification

Image Processing(CNN)

Market Price Prediction

Time Series(RNN,ANN)

Super Shop Billing System

Desktop Application(Java)

Weeding Photography Website

Web Design(HTML,CSS,Bootstrap,JS,MySQL)

Online MCQ Exam System


MCQ Test System











An Attention-Based Deep Learning Approach to Knee Injury Classification from MRI Images

IEEE Xplorer / Accepted for ICCIT-2023

Work Experience

Data Scientist at Manaknightdigital

Mar 2023 - Present
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

As a data scientist, my primary expertise lies in leveraging data to solve complex business problems. With statistical analysis, data visualization, machine learning, Deep Learning and API's. Here is my various field of works:

  • Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Data Analysis & Visualization
  • Experience with Statistical Tools | Written & Verbal Communication
  • Scripting Language: Python | Database: MySQL
  • ML Algorithms and Deep Learning Algorithms
  • NLP: Text Normalization | BERT | Sentiment Analysis | Word Embedding
  • Data Visualization & Analysis: PowerBI | Excel
  • Web Framework: Flask || Libraries: Tensorflow | Scikit-learn | Keras | Seaborn
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Data Fetching from GPT and Analysis Data

Skills: Natural Language Processing (NLP)Large Language Models (LLM)MLOpsPyTorchTensorFlowExploratory Data AnalysisComputer VisionData VisualizationGPT-3Artificial Intelligence (AI)Data ScienceTime Series AnalysisDeep LearningMachine LearningPython (Programming Language)Finetuning LLM's
  • Atlas Copco Chatbot
    Primary Goal: to create a chatbot that will answer the question鈥檚 based on the requirements using the given data.
    Solution: Collect the data(excel file) which contains various product info(Model Name, Price, Capacity, Products Links). Then used the GPT(GPT- 4) model to answer the questions of what the user need. Also, tackle the token size in the GPT models.
    Library: openai GPT-4 model, Flask, openpyxl, pandas, numpy, re, nltk, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, tensorflow, keras, etc.
    Website: Atlas Copco
  • Fraud Transaction Detection
    Primary Goal: given a dataset of past transactions and then from this data set have to build an ML model which can detect fraud transactions.
    Solution: perform EDA and Feature Extraction apply multiple ML algo(Xgboost,SVC,Logistic Regression) then applied hyperparameter optimization and deploy on the server for production. Got 90% accuracy using Xgboost.
    Library: scikit-learn,Flask etc.
  • Michel AI Parabroker ChatBot
    Primary Goal: scrape data from different lenders then get answer out the data from user query
    Solution: used Retrival Augmentated Generation(RAG) based searching techniques to get the answers and for data stroing used Pinecone also used Cohere Reranking to refine the RAG search
    Library: PyPDF2,beautifulsoup,gunicorn,GPT-4,Pinecone,RAG,Cohere,Flask
    Website: Michel
  • Football Analyst ChatBot
    Primary Goal: to make a Football Analyst which will analyze the pass data for a perticular Team and Player and Predict the future match
    Solution: scrap data from different football data sources and then used RAG,Pinecone and Cohere to get the response out of the huge ammount of data
    Library: BeautifulSoup,PyPDF2, RAG, Pinecone, Cohere
    Website: Kaizenwin
  • Image Generation(Aieventbooth)
    Primary Goal: user will add some presets for a given image then it will generate the image
    Solution: used Stable Diffusion Image Generation, trained on custom image and then based on the used presets generates the image
    Library: transformers,pytorch,gunicorn
    Website: Aieventbooth
  • Ai Energy
    Primary Goal: client's have some organization's privacy and policy, now a tender will came and we have look up the organization's data how much match each of the tender's and why matched
    Solution: to solve this problem first chuck the data into different sections for this finetuned different models like Llama-2-7B and 13B also Mistral-7B then used the cosine similarity to get the matched data and then used the GPT-4 to get the answer out of the data
    Library: transformers,pytorch,gunicorn
    Website: Aienergy